Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sometimes..... I Get to Sleep Past Noon..

Sometimes....just sometimes, the stars align just right and I get a little much needed sleep. I have to admit this happens once in a blue moon. So when the opportunity presents itself I grab it.

This past month has been a hard adjustment.  Having my husbands health go slightly downhill, and me being home 24/7 and not being able to really go anywhere (unless there is someone here to "babysit"),  except for quick trips to pick up kids or down to the convenience store has been difficult.  I've had to adjust to being on no kind of set schedule at all.  I never quite know when Todd is going to be awake or a sleep. I've had to try and develop my "baby ears" again at remember, when you have newborns and you hear every tiny little noise.  This has been a necessity since he has now fallen 5 different times in the middle of the night.  There is nothing more nerve wracking...that gets your adrenalin flowing faster than waking from a deep sleep to a loud crash.  So I've started waking to every little noise again, and even when I sense that he isn't laying next to me. To say the least for me to get more than 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep is rare.....very rare. 

Ok so I admit I didn't sleep uninterrupted past noon I did wake at least 3 different times during the night, to help my husband with his oxygen each time he got up, and at 7ish this morning I woke up to hear two of my boys in the living room playing some racing game on our Wii.  I even got on my laptop for about 30 minutes (yea I have problems).  When I saw my husband was still sleeping soundly I laid back down...I'm pretty sure I was out within seconds. The next thing I knew it was 12:45.... HOLY CRAP! I never heard a sound...

So I've officially declared it a Lazy Day....I've done absolutely nothing. Ok I did get up and work out on my elliptical for 15 minutes....and then decided the last piece of chocolate cake that was sitting on the kitchen counter seemed like a better choice.  I'm still trying to figure out what happened to the rest of the cake. I'm guessing my kids were channeling their grandpa this morning...who loved Bill Cosby....and had chocolate cake for breakfast.  Let's be honest, sometimes we all deserve a little chocolate cake for breakfast.  We'll celebrate the fact that I'm in a good mood because I got a little bit of rest. :o)

1 comment:

  1. Sleep or chocolate cake...oohhh that's a tough one (exercise doesn't even make the top 20 on the weekend ;)
