Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My Month of Thanks....

So everyday I've been posting what I've been thankful for.....as are a lot of people...(On FB).  I've enjoyed doing it, I've had a few days I've really had to dig down deep to find something. Not because I'm not thankful for anything but because sometimes life interrupts for a brief moment and throws me off track.  The past few days I've settled on complete sarcasm and because I don't want to continue in that mode.  I'm going to throw everything out there in this post and skip the everyday try not to repeat things twice and sarcastic I'm in a bad mood and could care less about being thankful posts.  Because I really do have a lot to be thankful for.

My kids....absolutely... My oldest who spent the last 8 days sitting in a place he really didn't want to be with a lot of time to think.  When I picked him up today he gave me the biggest hug I've EVER gotten from him.   And although I'm a little cautious and he still needs to prove a lot to me.  I'm more hopeful today than I was yesterday that his eyes have been opened and he's ready to do something more positive with his life.  My second oldest who goes above and beyond the call of duty.  He's not perfect, I've told him some days I want to pick him up, turn him upside down and dunk his head in the toilet. (Pretty impossible since he's over 6 feet and growing an inch every other day it seems).  He's a teenager, so I have those roll my eyes shake my head kind of days.  But he has a huge heart...he helps more than is expected of him.  He loves taking his little brother to Scouts and helps out at the meetings.  He is goofy and funny and would do anything for his family.  My daughter who Drives. Me. Crazy. She is now taller than me, by half an inch.  I guess this means she has to use my makeup and wear my shoes and borrow my stuff without asking.  My third teenager... We laugh together and talk about whatever she wants to talk about.  She is talented and smart and funny....and thank goodness my only girl, I don't think I could handle more than one of her.  My youngest....my most spoiled by a long shot, even though I swore I would NEVER spoil my youngest child.  He has come leaps and bounds in school this year and is doing awesome.  He makes me smile and laugh EVERY day.  My little boy with a huge imagination and creativity. Who draws and writes on my walls and everything he can. (He is getting better about this). 

My family...brothers, sisters, and my mom.  Anyone who surrounds me and loves me despite my imperfections.  I couldn't get through this life without the support of my extended family, and my Angels who are no longer here. 

My friends....Near and far.... the people in my life who truly care.  Those people who not only stand by me through my craziness, but even the ones who we go for years without speaking and pick right back up where we left off.  Life happens to all of us, sometimes we need to take time to straighten it out.  The ones who really care stick around in one way or another, silent or vocal.  It's still nice to know they are there.

Life and all it's experiences....I revisited the idea of writing a book one day, because I seriously can't make this crap up.  I'm NOT that creative.  Some days I feel like I'm living in Crazy Town.  If I even tried to describe everything that happened in the last 2 weeks, there is no way anyone would believe me.  We'll just say Todd's family is completely nuts and I can't wait to legally change my name back to my maiden name end of story.

Music....For me it truly heals.  It helps me get over the past, deal with the present, and dream about the future.  I don't think I could ever live without it.

Love... All the different ways I've experienced it.  I believe in finding that one true love..maybe I'm crazy...maybe I already found it....maybe I lost it....Maybe I won't give up finding out for sure.  It's always worth trying.

For the things most of us take for granted....A roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, clothes, food, a car....everything it takes to live in comfort each day.  We are truly blessed and should always be looking to see what we can do for others who are less fortunate who have been dealt a crappy hand and may just need a little help to get back up again. 

Freedom... the country I live in, the people who have sacrificed so much to defend it.  And at a time when I feel like our country is hurting.  We need to remember "United we stand, divided we fall."  The hate needs to stop.

Faith and my belief in God.... Are you kidding? I couldn't make it through this life without something to look forward to. Without knowing I will see my loved ones again one day.  Without knowing He is there for me, willing to listen, and comfort me in times of need.

That despite everything, the challenges I have faced and continue to face I still can get up every morning to face them head on.  Most days I have a smile on my face, and I can keep a positive attitude.  Life is going to happen.  It may not happen the way we want it to, and it may knock us down.  I'm thankful to be able to get back up as many times as I need to.  And I hope one day to be able to help others do the same. 

My blog....finding my voice...It still amazes me that there are people out there who really read this. I thank you.  Almost 5000 views since I started it....Holy cow...Awesome. 

The point is....I'm thankful for these things every day of the year, not just this month. I am however thankful for this month of Thanksgiving, to remind myself that I truly have so much to be grateful for, even when I'm in the midst of a crap storm that seems never ending. I'm sure I've missed things...I'll save those for FB I guess, but I think I covered the major points.  Take a few moments and remind yourself of all the things you are thankful for today. :o)

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