Friday, May 4, 2012

My Strength......

Where do I get my strength?  I was asked this question a few months ago, and again yesterday.  My answer.... I don't really know.  Ok....what a stupid response, because I do know, I just never stopped to think about it.  I'm the first to admit, I'm not the brightest person in the world, I'm a little slow on the deep thinking subjects. I don't use 50 cent words because it feels like I'm speaking a foreign language.  I like to read...sometimes, and I'm the person that thinks of a great come back 3 days later. So....this morning I woke up and the answer hit me, and because of the conversation I had yesterday I have two new blog posts in my head. Oh happy day.

I think we all have those moments when we just want to wish the world away.  When we question everything.  Or as I like to call "feel sorry for myself" moments. I have more of these moments than I like to admit to.  I would never compare this to depression.  Depression is a very serious mental illness.  My "feel sorry for myself moments" are more me saying.....THIS IS NOT FAIR!...crying a little...or a lot....and being by myself for a couple of hours.  Eventually (if it lasts longer than a day)....I start to get sick of myself being in this state of mind and I tell myself to get over it....and get a grip.  Look life is hard...I would never in my lifetime compare my situation to anyone else's.  What I'm going through is....hard. I can't describe it any other way.  But what we all need to remember is at some time in our lives we will all experience something that is going to be trying.  All of us.

I am so fortunate to have incredible people in my life.  Men and women...near and  People from all over who have been a part of my life.  I believe every person comes into our lives for a reason.  I could go on and on about the great examples of strength in my life...everyone having their own stories...their own hardships...their own pain...worries...fears. People in my life who deal with severe depression, loss of a child, loss of loved ones, single parents, parents with children who have special needs, divorce, illness....etc.. I have so many examples of amazing...strong women and men in my life, who inspire me.  Everyone has a story.  Something they have been through or are currently going through. My situation is not's just different.

So where do I get my strength?  The answer becomes pretty obvious.  When I'm in those moments where I just want to walk away, I look to those people in my life who haven't given up. Those people who are struggling or have struggled and still wake up every morning not knowing what the day will bring, and face it....good, bad or ugly.  But, still have days that they break down...curl up in a ball and cry.  Sometimes we only know the main thing that people are going through. We don't always know the little things that make life just a little bit tougher some days.  Believe it or not there are only a handful of people who know everything that I've gone through in the past few years. The answer... I get my strength from each of you that are a part of my life....from God....from my children.  I'm more than blessed to have the kids that I do.  Even through the hard times. Kids that have the ability to make me smile or laugh on some really tough days. So... Surround yourself with people who inspire you and when you need the strength to get through those hard will be there....without even thinking about it. 

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