Thursday, May 16, 2013

Back to Work

One day left......deep breath in......and out.  I really have no idea how I'm feeling about all of this. I have to admit I'm a little bit anxious.  It's not like being a working mom is new to me.  The last year and a half is the longest I've gone without a least as far as I can remember....(My memory is crap).  I've probably said at least a hundred times now, life is always changing, and we are constantly readjusting.  I'm not sure what I would do if I didn't have to constantly adjust to life changes.  I think I would get bored very quickly.  I don't typically plan anything too far in advance, I do things spur of the moment....or last minute.  Although I have to admit it would be nice if life slowed down just a little bit.

So here I am, going back to my job that I left a year and a half ago. I'm going back to the same schedule I worked when I left.  I'm going back to late nights and little sleep. (although summer is almost here so I'll have a little relief).   None of this is new.  When I first started this job, I was working 6-10 hour shifts 5 days a week (I started right at a busy time).  I was getting home between 4 and 8  in the morning.  Todd was working construction driving a dump truck and was working 12 to 15 hour shifts.  Many mornings I was calling him, and telling him I was 5 minutes from home and it was ok for him to leave.  Our kids were still little.  My youngest was barely a year old.  I slept when he took naps....sometimes not at all.  I left for work after I put everyone to bed.  I look back at those times and in some ways now seems much easier.  Ok I don't know if I would say easier......different....but definitely not harder.  I  call it my survival mode. Back then I had little ones.  Now everyone is in school, but I have more things I have to take care of.  I'm still a mom....and a caregiver.  I still have to make sure everyone is where they  need to be.  I still have doctor's appointments that I have to take Todd to.  I still have to do everything I've been doing for the last year and a half and add work on top of it.  Can I do it?  Well, of course I can.  This isn't why I've been feeling anxious.  Am I going to miss getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night?  You better believe it, but I'll deal with it.   So what's with the little bit of anxiety I'm feeling?  I worry about the hours I'll be gone before everyone is in bed for the night.  I worry about Todd and our oldest son not getting along. (I'm usually the mediator).  I worry about my two middle kids having way more responsibility dumped on them than they need or deserve right now.  I worry about my youngest, having to get used to me not being there every night.  I worry about Todd deciding he needs to go to the store for something and him not being awake/alert enough to be driving.   I worry that something will happen that might be too hard for the kids to handle.  This is all just part of my world right now, and stuff I don't need to worry about 90% of the time.   Everything is still up in the air.  I don't know what Todd's health is going to be like in a month or 3 months or a year.   So the reality is, my worrying is a little bit silly....for the most part.  But that 10% of the time is why I'm a little anxious.  I'm hoping that the transition back to work goes smoothly, and, I think it will be.  I think this is where I'm supposed to be right now.  It's not my favorite place, but it came up right when I needed it, and I just have to see how it goes.

Like I said, being a working mom isn't new to me.  Over all I've really enjoyed being home.  Yes, we've had a lot of challenges and bumps in the road, frustrations, tears, arguments. It's been crazy and fun and frustrating. We've had some really good moments and some that I would rather not relive. If I'm being honest, I wish I could be a stay at home mom for good.  The reality is, I probably never will be again, and I would probably go a little bit nuts. I need to have something I'm doing that gets me out of my house for a while.'s part of life.  It might be a rough first month, but here goes nothing...

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