Thursday, May 9, 2013

I Decided to Get Rid of My Scale

Two things. 1. I know absolutely nothing about anything and 2. I write, because I'm constantly learning things about myself.  It may seem like I'm a little nuts sometimes....I probably am.  All of this is a process, it's why I started this blog.  When something happens in my life I think through it.  I go for drives, talk to myself (maybe I shouldn't admit that), write it down, discuss it with whoever wants to pretend they are interested.  In short, I HAVE to be able to figure things out myself for me to really understand why things happen.  It's how I look at things, process things, and come to conclusions.  So, there's no rhyme or reason to my blog posts, it's kind of what I'm going through or feeling when I write. This is all just me and I still find it interesting that people read along, and I'm glad that you do. So thank you for all the input, love and support. :o)

How many women (I guess I could include men too, I don't know how many of them read my posts) out there drive themselves crazy stepping on a scale just to see that number, if it's gone up or down...stayed the same....Once a month, once a week....every day?  Why? This is actually a question I asked myself this week, because my number one reason for changing my working out and eating better, was to decrease my stress level.  Yes I want to lose weight, yes I want to be healthier.  Why do I have to have to step on a scale and look at a number to tell me that what I'm doing is working?  It is absolutely ridiculous,  it stresses me out, and heaven forbid I don't lose enough or anything at all....then I'm depressed and pissed off at myself.  What am I accomplishing by putting myself through that craziness?  Nothing.  So I got rid of the scale.  OK I stuck it in a closet.....out of sight, out of mind.  Because here's the reality.  I'm working out 6 days a week....and during those work outs, my heart rate is up, I'm sweating, and I'm working my tail end off.  (literally).  On top of that a few days a week I walk and jog....ok it's probably more of a fast walk, I'm a pathetic runner....but still I'm getting it done.  The weight isn't dropping off like I feel like it should be.  Maybe I still have too much stress, maybe I've yo-yo dieted so many times my body hates me and isn't going to let anything go until I prove that I'm serious, maybe I'm not eating enough calories or too many calories, maybe it's just because I'm not 18 anymore and my metabolism sucks. Whatever the reason I'm not quitting.  I've said it before, I like working out, but I'm going to rely on how I feel and how I look instead of stepping on a scale and looking at a number to track my progress.  Right now I feel really good, and I want to continue feeling really good.  

If you're working out and changing your life....Kudos!  Keep up the good work.  I need to go back and add a few more songs to my play list.  For me, music and life go hand in hand. We all deserve to feel good about ourselves, find music that inspires you and gets you moving.  Workout and then listen to something that makes you want to dance around your house.  It's a great mood lifter and for me....a great way to start my day.   Enjoy life.....and throw the scale away! ;o)


  1. Songs I recently added to my playlist:
    Troublemaker - Olly Murs
    Heart Attack - Demi Lovato
    A slew of Janet Jackson and Mariah Carey #1s
    Ready or Not - Bridgit Mendler
    Calling All the Monsters - China Ann McClain

    And I never underestimate the power of a Linkin Park or System of a Down song.

    1. I was just getting ready to add to my play list blog post....I also just added Troublemaker. :)
